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The modern
GraphQL runtime

Swiftly design and ship best-practice GraphQL backends atop existing data sources and APIs.

Get Started

Setup Tailcall via npm to build a high-performance GraphQL API on top of existing REST endpoints. Checkout our docs for detailed tutorials and guides.

npm i -g @tailcallhq/tailcall
@server(port: 8000)
@upstream(baseURL: "") {
query: Query

type Query {
users: [User] @http(path: "/users")
posts: [Post] @http(path: "/posts")

type User {
id: Int!
name: String!
username: String!
email: String!

type Post {
id: Int!
title: String!
body: String!
userId: Int!

# Expand a post with user information
user: User @http(path: "/users/{{.value.userId}}")
tailcall start ./app.graphql
Deploy Anywhere
Digital Ocean
Cloud Flare
Google Cloud
The Problem

not composable

API composition is pivotal for building rich user experiences, but REST APIs are not inherently composable, often leading to awkward, unmaintainable hand-written Backend for Frontends. On the other hand, GraphQL is a highly composable protocol, giving clients the power to express exactly what they need, and Tailcall makes GraphQL easy, secure, and fast.


Tailcall provides first-class primitives to perform API Orchestration across protocols such as gRPC, REST, GraphQL,. This allow developers to enrich existing APIs with more data, perform transformations or build a completely new set of aggregation APIs.


With Tailcall, your focus shifts to the 'what'—such as entities, their relationships, access control, security, authentication, caching, and more—rather than the 'how'. This shift is enabled by the Tailcall DSL, embodying a true declarative approach to managing APIs.


Tailcall can introspect all orchestration requirements ahead of time and automatically generate a highly efficient data access layer. This results in achieving much lower resource utilization and opens up opportunities to use in ultra-low latency workloads.


At times, the built-in primitives may not fully satisfy specific orchestration needs. In such instances, Tailcall offers a lightweight embedded JavaScript runtime. This feature enables you to attach custom hooks for monitoring events within Tailcall, allowing you to directly issue commands for the subsequent actions Tailcall should execute.

There’s so much more.
Ahead of Time Optimizations
Composable Orchestration Primitives
Macro Resiliency Capabilities
Protocol agnostic
High Performance
Edge Compatible
Compile time Checks
Adaptive performance improvements
Scripting Flexibility
Platform made for performance.
(Higher is better)
Latency (ms)
(Lower is better)

More reasons to choose tailcall.

Image Describing Why Tailcall

Top developer experience

Design your APIs, with syntax highlighting and lint checks within your favourite IDE.

Image Describing Why Tailcall


Get performance that’s higher than your hand optimized implementation

Image Describing Why Tailcall

Scale Fearlessly

Leverage built-in best practices that guarantee robustness at any scale.

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