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The @grpc directive allows GraphQL fields to be resolved by fetching data through gRPC services, facilitating powerful integrations between GraphQL and gRPC.

@grpc Directive Definition

Directive Definition
Directive Definition
directive @grpc(
url: String!
method: String!
body: JSON
headers: [InputKeyValue!]
batchKey: [String!]
onResponseBody: String
select: JSON
dedupe: Boolean

Example: Resolving Users via gRPC

Here's an example demonstrating the use of the @grpc directive:

schema @link(src: "./users.proto", type: Protobuf) {
query: Query

type Query {
users: [User] @grpc(method: "users.UserService.ListUsers")

In this example, the users field fetches data from the gRPC method UserService.ListUsers.

Defining gRPC Services

The gRPC methods referenced by the directive are defined in a .proto file, such as:

syntax = "proto3";

package users;

service UserService {
rpc ListUsers (UserListRequest) returns (UserListReply) {}
rpc GetUser (UserGetRequest) returns (UserGetReply) {}

message UserListRequest {
// Definitions of request parameters

message UserListReply {
// Structure of the reply

message UserGetRequest {
// Definitions of request parameters

message UserGetReply {
// Structure of the reply

It is mandatory to have a package name in a protobuf file.

Linking this file within a GraphQL schema is facilitated by the @link directive, as shown below:

schema @link(src: "./users.proto", type: Protobuf) {
query: Query

Tailcall automatically resolves the protobuf file for any methods referenced in the @grpc directive.

Directive Arguments


Defines the gRPC service and method to call, formatted as <package>.<service>.<method>:

type Query {
users: [User]
@grpc(method: "proto.users.UserService.ListUsers")


Specifies the base URL for the gRPC service:

type Query {
users: [User]
url: ""
method: "proto.users.UserService.ListUsers"


The body outlines the arguments for the gRPC call, allowing for both static and dynamic inputs:

type UserInput {
id: ID

type Query {
user(id: UserInput!): User
body: "{{}}"
method: "proto.users.UserService.GetUser"


Custom headers for the gRPC request can be defined, facilitating the transmission of authentication tokens or other contextual data:

type Query {
users: [User]
headers: [
{key: "X-CUSTOM-HEADER", value: "custom-value"}
method: "proto.users.UserService.ListUsers"


Use batchKey to group similar requests for optimized batching, reducing the number of requests:

type Query {
users(id: UserInput!): [User]
batchKey: ["id"]
method: "proto.users.UserService.ListUsers"
url: ""

Refer to N + 1 Problem to learn how to use the batchKey setting.


This hook allows you to intercept and modify the response body from upstream services before it's processed by Tailcall. Like onRequest, it accepts a string value representing a middleware function defined in a JavaScript file. This function can be used to transform or validate the response data.

type Query {
news: NewsData!
method: "news.NewsService.GetAllNews"
onResponseBody: "onResponse"


You can use select with mustache syntax to re-construct the directives response to the desired format. This is useful when data are deeply nested or want to keep specific fields only from the response.

  • EXAMPLE 1: if we have a call that returns { "user": { "items": [...], ... } ... } we can use "{{.user.items}}", to extract the items.
  • EXAMPLE 2: if we have a call that returns { "foo": "bar", "fizz": { "buzz": "eggs", ... }, ... } we can use { foo: "{{.foo}}", buzz: "{{}}" }
type Query {
userCompany(id: Int!): Company
method: "news.UsersService.GetUserDetails"
select: "{{.company}}"
userDetails(id: Int!): UserDetails
method: "news.UsersService.GetUserDetails"
select: {
id: "{{.id}}"
city: "{{}}"
phone: "{{.phone}}"


The dedupe parameter, if set to true, prevents duplicate IO requests from being executed concurrently:

method: "news.UsersService.GetUserDetails"
dedupe: true

Combining Directives

The @grpc directive can be used in combination with other resolvable directives, with results merged deeply. This allows for powerful and flexible resolver configurations.

For more details, see Directives Documentation.