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You can install the latest version - by using NPM.


  1. If you don't already have nodejs installed, you can find the instructions here.

  2. Install Tailcall by running the following command in your terminal:

    npm i -g @tailcallhq/tailcall
  3. To verify the correct installation of Tailcall, run:


    Do not use the --force flag during npm installations, as it ignores installing platform-specific builds.


  1. Install Tailcall by running the following command in your terminal:

    yarn global add @tailcallhq/tailcall
  2. To verify the correct installation of Tailcall, run:



  1. If you don't already have Homebrew installed, you can find the instructions here.

  2. Add the Tailcall repository to Homebrew by running the following command in your terminal:

    brew tap tailcallhq/tailcall
    brew install tailcall
  3. To verify the correct installation of Tailcall, run:

  4. After completing the installation, perform upgrades with:

    brew update
    brew upgrade tailcall


Follow the steps below to manually install the cli on your system:

curl -sSL | bash -s -- 

This command fetches and executes the Tailcall installation script. The ~/.tailcall directory contains the installed files.

Upon completion of the installation, extend your PATH environment variable to include the ~/.tailcall/bin directory:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.tailcall/bin


To install Tailcall with Docker, follow the steps below. Please note that currently, this installation method only works on Linux/amd64 systems. Before starting, make sure you have Docker installed on your system. If not, download it from here.

  1. Pull the latest Tailcall Docker image using the following command:

    docker pull

    This command fetches the latest version of the Tailcall Docker image from the Docker registry.

  2. Run the Tailcall Docker container with the following command:

    docker run -d --name graphql-server -p 8000:8000
    -v /path/to/your/configs:/etc/tailcall
    --entrypoint "/bin/sh"
    -c "export PATH=$PATH:~/.tailcall/bin && tailcall start /etc/tailcall/config.graphql"

    This command launches the Tailcall server in a Docker container, exposing the GraphQL endpoint on port 8080.